Professional Development

CML’s experience in implementing media literacy programs and its research all point to one inescapable conclusion: trained teachers make all the difference! To be able to teach using a media literacy approach, educators must first understand what media literacy is, experience the AHA! moments for themselves, and practice applying media literacy to curricular subjects. As a start, as little as six hours of face-to-face training can provide the basics for teachers, along with model curriculum that the teacher can deliver

If face-to-face training is not possible, the resources that CML provides provide a well-rounded package to enable this process, including PowerPoint slides. CML suggests the following step-by-step approach to deepening teachers’ familiarity with media literacy methodology:

1.      Review Literacy for the 21st Century, 2nd Edition. This book provides basic discussion around the theory behind media literacy and how CML’s Five Core Concepts and Five Key Questions work, along with the Empowerment Spiral, which is a decision-making tool.

2.     View the slide presentation (along with notes) that accompanies Media Literacy: A System for Learning AnyTime, Anywhere.  This presentation delivers a greater understanding of our relationship with media and how to exercise that relationship.

3.     Try delivering some lessons or activities from Five Key Questions that Can Change the World or MediaLit Moments. Applying CML’s Five Key Questions in different ways contributes to more practice and more understanding. Like learning to swim or tie shoes, the process takes practice!

4.     Deliver CML’s model curriculum, Beyond Blame, Challenging Violence in the Media. By using a model curriculum, teachers can experiment with CML’s methodology and approach, using media literacy as a teaching health intervention strategy while meeting education standards in subjects such as language arts and technology.

5.     Use Media Literacy: A System for Learning AnyTime, AnyWhere  as a way to provide faculty with a systematic methodology for constructing curriculum for media literacy, using CML’s research-based framework. This proven method works like an iPhone app: CML’s framework serves as the “DNA” and the lesson wrapped around it gives teachers a chance to customize content. The Tools contained in this CML Trilogy include model assessments, student worksheets and other essential elements for media literacy education.

6.     Contact CML to license the CML framework for a school or district-wide implementation program. CML welcomes the opportunity to work with you in providing media literacy education to every student in every classroom!